Blog | White River Design
Did you know that the search engine giant, Google started off with the name Backrub?
Retail brands have an opportunity to build strong and lasting relationships with their customers by creating experiences that are relevant, intimate, and fun.
Publicity can get expensive, but if you have a great story to tell, there is a way to get your article into the newspaper, magazine or even radio for free.
We hear the terms marketing and branding being bantered around together too readily, which causes confusion as to what is what.
People don’t buy from you because of your logo. They buy from you because of your beliefs, your values - your ‘why’.
One bad customer experience resulted in a social media onslaught that has literally seen the overnight tumbling of a hairdressing franchise.
People make decisions on who they think you are within the first few seconds of seeing you.
By understanding and setting specific goals, you can position yourself as the Coca-cola of your industry or area!
A tagline is a catchphrase or slogan that is linked to a brand to help connect a particular message to a brand and assist with brand recognition.